Re: sparc port

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Tue Jul 19 1994 - 21:51:33 PDT

[ (Matt Emerson) writes:]

>I'm starting to work on porting vsta to the sparc (sun4c).

Great! I wish I was more of a SPARC wizard, but it's really not a processor
I've used, except as a plain UNIX user. Stay in touch, at least I can help
you with the VSTa part of the port! I'm assuming your list of operating
systems includes NetBSD. I don't know about their SPARC code, but I found
their 68k port to be very clean; easy to borrow code to do all the nasty

On another front, I'm starting to ponder how to move the VSTa central source
out to a machine where a core team of developers could check in source
changes without having me as a bottleneck. I'm thinking a FreeBSD machine
using RCS on the Internet would be the ticket. I can probably assemble
machine, RAM, and disk. Sadly, all of cisco is behind a firewall, so I'll
have to find another point of presence. I wonder if I could rent some space
on a net at Cygnus' "The Little Gargen"? Alternatively, I might be able to
park my machine on an open net at a company I've been consulting for.

Anyway, thoughts are welcome. Ultimately, the box would (of course) run
VSTa! Hmmm, reminds me, I need to finish that dratted RCS port....

Received on Tue Jul 19 20:53:25 1994

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