Port of vi to VSTa

From: Chris Patti <chrisp_at_nospam.org>
Date: Fri Jun 03 1994 - 03:46:59 PDT

   X-Authentication-Warning: glare.cisco.com: Host localhost.cisco.com didn't use HELO protocol
   Date: Fri, 03 Jun 1994 11:03:04 -0700
   From: Andrew Valencia <vandys@cisco.com>

   I've got a port of "vim" (an excellent "vi" editor clone, better than the
   original with multi-level undo and other features) to VSTa. Now all I need
   is a port of RCS and I'll have virtually no reason to run DOS, ever. Oh
   yeah, except for Tubotax.... :-)

   Bugs found: missing "a" mode in fopen(), plus something I didn't know about
   strchr() and strrchr(): strchr("abc", '\0') returns a pointer to the
   terminating '\0' of the string "abc". Otherwise, it was mostly just a
   conversion to POSIX TTY handling.


Out of curiosity, when you and other folks are compiling these large apps
 don't you run across that stack growth problem that keeps biting me ien the
nose whenever I try to build anything under VSTa?

Received on Fri Jun 3 12:52:19 1994

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