VM system

From: <newsham_at_nospam.org>
Date: Tue May 17 1994 - 21:25:24 PDT

  Been reading through the kernel sources a bit. Mostly the
stuff in os/mach. I'm trying to understand the VM stuff
in particular. As usual with VM systems its not extremely easy
to understand. Worse I don't know much about the i386's
MMU support (besides that it is supposed to be similar to
the 68k's). Would anyone be kind enough to give me a quick
overview of the VM system? Such things as the VAS, the HAT,
physical to virtual and virtual to physical translations and
the i386's support (what are the functions of cr2 and cr3
for example).

                   Thanks in advance...

                            Tim N.
Received on Tue May 17 20:37:34 1994

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