Re: vsta ports

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Tue Apr 26 1994 - 21:44:37 PDT

[Michael Werner <> writes:]

>Are there any people working on ports to RISC machines.
>I have a MIPS machine at home I would love to develop
>vsta system on.

I would love to have a port to a non-x86 platform, so I can find/fix
x86-specific things which have crept into otherwise portable code.

>I would like to add that VSTa is an interesting system
>and I would prefer that it didn't bloat and become
>an all-things-to-all-people kernel. An awful lot can
>be done and learnt from this existing base.

We've already fought this battle a couple times. I basically want a
microkernel operating system. I'd like it to do POSIX ".1", but I'm willing
to skip parts if they would otherwise make a mess of the whole system (job
control comes to mind). At this point I only consider kernel enhancements
if they *really* are required. The last big one was to support process
debugging, and it's #ifdef'ed so you can build a smaller embedded kernel
once you're done debugging. Support for the 387 FPU will (reluctantly) be
added at some point.

>What are the procedures for submitting kernel mods?
>(small ones of course :-)

Send them to me ( If you think there's an interesting
issue to them, of course feel free to send them to the list.

Received on Tue Apr 26 21:59:59 1994

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