Re: Why doesn't VSTa switch to 9p?

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Wed Mar 09 1994 - 11:34:32 PST

[Vijay Gill <> writes:]

>In the paper, it is mentioned that Andy could not go with 9p because the
>spec was not available. It is now. Any overwhelming reasons for not
>switching to 9p?

Well, all that code we now have. Plus some no doubt subtle semantic
incompatibilities. Plus, I'm still a little leary about getting into hot
water with the AT&T legal machine. Yeah, they published it, but right now
VSTa is distinct, technically, from Plan9 top to bottom. I had become
familiar with some concepts due to their papers. But switching over to an
exact clone of an internal interface leaves me with a distinct feeling of

This is just my own opinion.

Received on Wed Mar 9 11:58:43 1994

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