Re: Optimisation

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Fri Jan 21 1994 - 08:09:41 PST

[ (Rob Savoye) writes:]

>> Has anyone looked into code optimisation for VSTa? I'm thinking of
>> compiling the code with something like "-m486 -O2" optimisation. I'd be
>> interested in any comments on what the results were if it's been tried.
> I see no reason why it wouldn't work. If it doesn't, let me know.

Although the VSTa kernel isn't written with any "volatile" declarations,
I was pretty careful in positioning procedure calls to keep the compiler
aware of the volatility of globals. The best example of this is the nop()
call while idling.

I have yet to hit a bug due to the optimizer. This includes GCC 1.X and 2.X
with and without the optimizer. As Rob said, if you find one, let us know.

Received on Fri Jan 21 08:42:09 1994

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