Mapping user names

From: Gavin Thomas Nicol <>
Date: Sun Jan 09 1994 - 16:00:04 PST

>>Can user names be mapped from msg.sender? MADO will need some way to
>>find out who connected to it, so it can load the user's font mappings.
>Hmmm, does MADO keep a central database? How would he know what the
>user's filesystem view would look like? Or does MADO register requested
>font names, but keep all the actual font storage under his own control?

Well, font handling is pretty much taken care of in bitblt (ie. font
loading etc.), but I've always planned on MADO/bitblt to support UTF.
To do this, I decided to use a segmented font architecture similar to
8.5. In this scheme, you have a character range to font mapping table

#character range font
0-31 ascii-control
32-127 time-roman

One ability I was hoping to give to MADO was the ability for
user-defined font mappings, which requires some way of finding a
user's HOME and then reading in a MADO configuration file.
Received on Sun Jan 9 16:06:32 1994

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