Re: Booting VSTa

From: Pat Mackinlay <>
Date: Sat Jan 08 1994 - 08:17:08 PST

> So, what does everyone think - go with the first solution (where I need to
> find a way of determining which sectors are in a pre-built boot file), or go
> with the second solution (where we need a special boot partition)?

I'm a Linux user also, and I love LILO. It's a very neat and powerful
way to handle the booting process, and I've never had any problems at all
with it.

I've never really been a fan of the restricted filing system approach as
it places some silly restrictions on the system setup, and also turns the
boot loader into a fairly complex piece of software.

If I were doing this, I'd be aiming at borrowing a lot of code from LILO,
and extending it to allow arbitrary servers to be loaded at bootup. That's
my opinion, anyhow.

pat -- empty space is wasted space.
Received on Sat Jan 8 08:29:04 1994

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