A few things

From: Gavin Thomas Nicol <nick_at_nospam.org>
Date: Thu Dec 23 1993 - 19:23:45 PST

Well, some good news. Dave Hudson <dave@humbug.demon.co.uk> has taken
over the task of creating an IBM version of bitblt, and on finishing
off the uncompleted areas. This gives me more time to work on MADO.
BTW. The "look" of MADO windows will be similar to fvwm.

For myself, I have a few questions:

1) In VSTa, is it possible for a server to handle it's own page
   faults, or do they all go to swap (via the well known port ID)?
2) How is a process marked memory locked?
3) Given that CONS is a special port number, and CONS is mounted
   on /dev/cons, is unmounting /dev/cons, and then mouting a new
   /dev/cons over top sufficient to redirect messages? My guess is
   that it is not because CONS is a well known port. Is there
   a clean way to overcome this?
Received on Thu Dec 23 19:30:45 1993

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