Re: Writing a new filing system...

From: Daniel Pezely <>
Date: Mon Dec 20 1993 - 10:05:56 PST

>Anyhow, not knowing much about filing systems, I'm looking for a bit of
>advice on where to start.

pick up:
Leffler, McKusick, Karels, Quarterman,
_The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System_,
Addison Wesley Publishing Co [06196]
ISBN 0-201-06196-1

aka `The' bsd book
aka the berkeley daemon book
    (from picture on the cover, a la the compiler `dragon' book)

poke your favoitie Archie site for tech papers on the fast file system. I
can't reach archie from my site today for some reason, but i'm pretty sure
searching on the key ``fast-fil'' will locate some papers.
scour for os papers from Sun. their file system is similar
(enough) to the bsd fast file system, likewise for NFS docs (rfc?).

i'll feed you some tech papers when i get a chance, but it may be a while...
Received on Mon Dec 20 10:27:00 1993

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