Antwort: Re: New to vsta

From: <>
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 23:58:21 PDT

Thanks for these informations.

It's bad, that there are people who say, that vsta seems to be dead. And
even I saw a 1.64 Version, all the webpage and the changelogs etc. are
just talking about 1.63 or 1.62. Is there a need for to update these
pages, or is the project really dead? (I think such projects are never
really dead.)

I'm very stressed in the moment (we have a migration running on hp-ux
servers), but I could think of helping to maintain the pages in my
freetime a bit in the near future, if this would be possible. Often the
first view on the project gives the kick.

I was surprised, that there was (outdated) a port to MIPS system. I have a
Windows CE Organizer from Compaq which possibly could run vsta. But I
think my C knowledge is much too limited. No Assemlber at all.

In the last time a had a look on the old Atari ST community and was
surprised, that GEM is now open source. These days allthe OS and the GUI
fit into 192 KB ROM. Wouldn't it be possible to write a VDI (graphics
primitives) and a AES (Application Enviroment Services) Server for VSTa?
Or port for example Microwindows, which also can run on top of SVGAlib?!?
The good thing about GEM would be, that it brings a whole enviroment
(printing, Metafiles etc.) with it.

Martin Döring,
Received on Tue Sep 19 22:53:34 2000

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