Hello VSTa comunity,
I would like to announce that I added vstafs support to the grub boot
loader. I put the stage1, stage2 and the modified sourcecode into the
ftp.zendo.com/incoming ftpsite/directory.
If someone wants to try it out, the first s/he has to do is to make a
vsta partition. This is described in the docs in the vsta distribution.
As next the partition type has to be changed to 0x9e (vstafs).
In the grub source code tarball there is a menu.lst with my boot
configuration as an example.
If possible, I would like to know how it works on other systems before I
send the patches to Erich Boylen.
Thoms J Erdos
Received on Sat Jul 24 12:51:10 1999
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