Re: MADO and Graphics

From: David Jeske <>
Date: Fri Oct 02 1998 - 15:56:43 PDT

On Fri, Oct 02, 1998 at 01:17:54PM -0700, Andy Valencia wrote:
> ["Robin J Bradley (4Y0)" <> writes:]
> >Since I'm feeling motivated at the moment (workload hasnt kicked in yet) is
> >the source for mado and bltbit such as it was arround somewhere where I could
> >get my hands on it ?
> Nobody ever submitted anything to me. I believe MADO never went beyond the
> concept stage, but somebody out there might have bitblt server code of some
> sort or other. I've included an old MADO doc which Gavin wrote quite a
> while ago.

I remember Dave Hudson saying something about having a prototype
bitblit almost working for VGA.

However, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong, or if he can't find it

Anyone up for porting X?

David Jeske (N9LCA) + +
Received on Fri Oct 2 11:51:37 1998

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