Re: networking questions

From: Andy Valencia <>
Date: Tue Sep 22 1998 - 19:11:15 PDT

[ writes:]

>I have a 486/100 running VSTa 1.6.1. I've gotten ka9q to work
>and telnetted to my Linux box successfully using a NE2K card.
>What do I need to create a standalone telnet program without
>going through ka9q?

You need to mosey on down to the "cmds" subdirectory and write such a
thing! ;-> Since I never got around to emulating sockets (tsk, tsk, but
emulating select() requires some fairly fundamental decisions), you need
to code it using wstat()/rstat(). There's some sample code down there which
knows how to initiate connections.

You'll also want to surf over to, and find the RFC for the
telnet protocol. You can implement a very small subset of what exists, and
the telnet server in KA9Q will give you some good hints of how to handle the

>Also, how would I start getting a ppp server
>running on vsta?

(I'm assuming you mean async PPP....) I'd start by going over the SLIP code.
This'll show you how to connect to an async source and frame it into IP.
Then I'd grab one of the free PPP implementations for Linux or FreeBSD, and
start adapting. PPP is an even more ornate protocol than telnet, but again,
there's a lot you can skip.

Received on Tue Sep 22 15:10:14 1998

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