Re: gcc compiler

From: Andy Valencia <>
Date: Wed Sep 16 1998 - 09:26:10 PDT

[goconne@csc.UVic.CA (Gordon W. O'Connell) writes:]

> I'm using VSTa 1.6.1 on a 386 with 8M of memory. I've been trying
> to build the VSTa kernel in /vsta/src/os/make; but shortly after
> the make begins, gcc fails with an error code 1. Is gcc trying
> to tell me I don't have enough memory?

No, as of 1.6.1, gcc requires an FPU, and I'm assuming that your 386 is not
endowed with a 387. :-(

> If I am out of memory; would it help to load the swap daemon
> (/vsta/boot/swap) at boot time? Where exactly would the module
> line for /vsta/boot/swap have to go? There also seems to be
> an executable in /vsta/bin/swapd. What does this do? Should this
> be placed in the inittab? If so, where should it go?
> Would having the swap service running allow gcc to run in an
> 8M system?

gcc would hang (well, block for more memory) if that was the problem.

You can use the older gcc port, which had some hacks to avoid using floating
point. I can't think of anything which would break offhand.

Received on Wed Sep 16 05:26:01 1998

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