Re: problem startup

From: Jean-Baptiste <>
Date: Thu Sep 03 1998 - 15:20:13 PDT

> >I have same problem when I try boot vsta from floppy with GRUB.
> >The error messege is:
> >init can't find root, sleeping !
> >init can't find root, sleeping !
> Since you didn't drop into the debugger, none of the processes exited. Init
> is trying to mount the DOS root filesystem, and this filesystem is trying to
> open the FD disk device.
> >and than i can't do anything, i loss control my machine :-)
> Can you ^Z (control key, and Z) to get into the kernel debugger?
> >Anyone can help me ? what should i do ?
The command line you use to start the DOS server is probably wrong.
I think i remember it being mistyped in the roadmap, or something like


Received on Thu Sep 3 14:15:51 1998

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