Re: [ include files for vsta?]

From: Andy Valencia <>
Date: Thu May 21 1998 - 09:56:59 PDT

[David Jeske <> writes:]

>I noticed that the .c files refer to includes such as:
>#include <sys/pset.h>
>and three is no sys directory but pset.h exists in the mach directory.
>What is with this? Also the makefile references includes as ../../../include
>and this directory is not part of the distribution?

Seems like the files were not unpacked properly? From the distribution
files on

bodhi$ tar -ztvf | grep "pset\.h"
-r-xr-xr-x 0/0 7834 Nov 9 15:32 1997 include/sys/rcs/pset.h
-r-xr-xr-x 0/0 4287 Sep 22 11:48 1997 include/sys/pset.h

So as long as you unpacked the files per the instructions (in /vsta), pset.h
*is* in sys/, not mach/.

The CWD relative references of source, as long as they were unpacked in the
/vsta root, should walk up and over to the /vsta/include/ hierarchy. I can
not, of course, speak to whether a specific relative reference is correct
unless a specific source directory is identified.

                                                Andy Valencia
Received on Thu May 21 06:13:04 1998

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