Re: Installing vsta-1.6.1 on other than 1st Dos partition?

From: Andy Valencia <>
Date: Tue May 12 1998 - 17:14:23 PDT

[ writes:]

>>% ls
> wd0
> wd0_dos0
> wd0_dos1
> wd0_dos2
> wd0_dos3

Ah, good, all the DOS partitions.

>I changed the /vsta/boot/dos command line to:
> module= /vsta/boot/dos -d //disk/wd:wd0_dos3 -n fs/root
>and put the line to load /vsta/boot/init back in. Upon rebooting, these
>messages scroll themselves off the screen:
> Init: can't find root, sleeping
> syslog: wd (pid 5) unit 0 1222.5M 16 heads 2484 cyl 63 sectors
> syslog: dos (pid 7) info: filesystem established
> syslog: error: init: /vsta/etc/inittab: can't open inittab

Ok, now remove init again, and put back testsh. Once you're up and running

% mount fs/root /x
% cd /x
% ls

See if you recognize any of the files. :-)

You should see a "vsta", and you should be able to cd into it, and then see
"boot", "etc", and so forth. You're right; since your DOS filesystem server
process didn't die, it probably thinks it see *something*. From this
hopefully you can find out where the disconnect is, and make "init" happy by
giving him his inittab.

>I'm not trying to do something impossible, am I?

No, nothing stands out so far.

>I have no idea what
>implementation rules I may be transgressing. Lastly, are there any
>functional descriptions of the server modules that I might download? I
>don't presently read source code well enough to work it all out ('though
>I'll keep trying...). Thanks again for taking the time to help!

Hmmm, just read the comments at the front of the "main.c" file for a given
server. That one, or perhaps any .h file you see in the dir, will tell you
about the given module.

Received on Tue May 12 13:32:17 1998

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