Re: VSTa slow...

From: Andy Valencia <>
Date: Wed Jan 14 1998 - 08:56:12 PST

[" ;The Doctor What" <> writes:]

> Just got GRUB and co. working on my new system (well, it's a
>year old, but I've never had VSTa running on it).
> It's a 64mb PentiumMMX 200Mhz. and VSTa is extremely slow to
>respond. It seems to me that it is one of two things that make it slow:
> 1) Disk access is very slow
> 2) Process creation is very slow
> I suppose I could just hit ^Z and look at traces to see what's
>up, but that seems!
> What would I have to do to figure out what's wrong, since I
>wanted to start looking at the security model in VSTa again.

Well, if it really seems like something's wrong, you should at least look at
ps and see if something seems to be running like crazy. Generally, either
you'll find it there, or else you've tickled a bug in your chip's power
management. VSTa flies on my 200 Mhz Pentium Pro, for instance.

If you can't see the CPU in a "ps", then ^Z probably won't help much, since
all ^Z does is drop into the kernel debugger from the console driver (where
the ^Z is detected). You'd have to hack some sort of clock tick driven
profiling to find it otherwise.

>Did we
>have a paper/description describing how we wanted security to be in
>VSTa? I mean besides the file in the distribution.
> I'll have to go get a copy of the POSIX security commands and
>try lining things up in a "coherent" set of English rules. Off to the
>library I'll go. ;)

What I have, you have. :-) "Security" is a big area, it'd probably be
better to figure out what problem you're trying to solve, and go from there.
You can hash it out offline with me in private E-mail for the initial

Received on Wed Jan 14 06:52:45 1998

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