Happenings with VSTa

From: Andy Valencia <vandys_at_nospam.org>
Date: Sun Dec 21 1997 - 20:28:23 PST


This is being typed over a telnet link over KA9Q from an MGR window.
KA9Q with an ether interface is back in order, and some enhancements
to the NE2000 driver really spiffed up the performance. I also
finally got around to converting all the TTY stuff to permit keyboard
interrupt generation, so (finally... I know it's been a long wait) you
can now type control-C (or whatever you set your INTR and QUIT
characters to) and have your application interrupt.

Internally it's implemented with the POSIX termios emulation detecting
underlying changes and sending FS_WSTAT messages to the TTY server.
The server records these, and thus knows if the application is in a
TTY mode which calls for signals. If a signal should be sent, it is
sent to the process group specified by another FS_WSTAT (bin/login
does this for you as you log in, for instance). For protection, the
TTY server also records your capabilities at the time you set a
process group, and assumes only those capabilities at the time it
sends the signal. Thus, you can't point the TTY server at, say, the
disk server, and then hit ^C and watch it croak.

I'll bundle up a 1.6.1 RSN. I think I've laid to rest all the gotchas
from 1.6.

Received on Sun Dec 21 18:21:57 1997

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