Re: Select behaviour

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon Dec 01 1997 - 08:18:51 PST

[Pavel Machek <> writes:]

> When talking with my friend (mj) about mixie implementation, we got
>to select() behaviour.
> Select behaviour is pretty strange, as it can be turned into attempt
>to read/write 0 bytes, which is kind of braindamage we do not want in
>mixie. How is this solved in VSTa? I looked for select in lib/ and
>found nothing. (Maybe I'm just plain blind.)

I never coded select(), primarily because it's hard to make it scale,
especially in a preemptive and SMP environment. For cases like MGR and KA9Q
ports, I added multiple threads to them, with each thread handling a
particular kind of resource. I then used a global mutex to protect the main
program, which continued to be single-threaded. We're getting to the point
where we could take a shot at select() again, if somebody wants to take it

Speaking of KA9Q, over the weekend I debugged why FTP's to another host on
the local LAN were so slow... the NE driver was working fine, but it would
overrun the ethernet thread in KA9Q. I added some buffering to NE, and now
transfers zip right along. I'll push out a 1.6.1 pretty soon.

Received on Mon Dec 1 06:18:48 1997

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