Some questions

From: <>
Date: Sat Nov 22 1997 - 00:38:08 PST

About the bug I had (assertion failed line 323 of vm_page.c) like Andy
told me it seems to happens on the last page available to the system,
at least I can say that when it happens and I type 'dv freemem' in the
debugger it says 0 (no more memory).

What I dont likes is that often when I quit the debugger (always if I quit
the debugger after having typed 'dv freemem') and that I try to go to
an other console (Alt-F2) my system crashed saying that boot process 0 died.
I didn't knew I had a boot process but it make me sad to learn that it died. :)

An other thing I don't understand is why I miss so easily memory (I have
2Mb physical extended). But why virtual memory is not used on my dos
partition to compensate for my little physical memory?

About 'di'ssassemble command in the debugger...
/doc/roadmap.txt explains:
>... You can look at the current
>user process' address space by OR'ing in 0x80000000 to the user address.
But how *exactly* can I get this user address for a specific process?

---Paul Dufresne
Received on Fri Nov 21 22:37:14 1997

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