Is my computer too small for VSTa?

From: <>
Date: Tue Nov 18 1997 - 04:13:24 PST

>>I also had a crash: I compiled the libc, and it got to the mkshlib part. It
>>printed two lines (Library libc.a @ 0x60001000) and froze. After a bit, I
>>eventually got:
>>Assertion Failed line 323 file ../kern/vm_page.c
>>set_core: bad index
>>and was dumped into the kernel debugger. I don't know many commands in
>>the kdb (quit and proc :) ), so I reset eventually. Every time I try to
>>compile the libc, it crashes at that same line, although in different ways
>>(sometimes it goes into ignore-the-user mode).

>Wow! That's a pretty serious crash, and not one I recognize. Can you get a
>"bt" output, and send it to me?
I had the same problem with version 1.6. whatever I was compiling.
I was thinking that it was either because my computer was too small
(2Mb extended memory+256k which is remapped from the first Mb by the
motherboard -386sx16Mhz WITHOUT ANY 387-).

Because of this I have returned to 1.5.2. and now I remember why I don't
use it. Because gcc systematically hangs the system after 5 to 15 seconds.
In the first 5 to 10 seconds HD light flash normally, but after that nothings
happen (I have never waited more than about 10 minutes). When the system
hangs I can switch to others consoles, I can enter a login name but nothings
happens when I hit return. I can always go to the debugger screen however.

Maybe there is a port of a language that would work in the version 1.6 on
my small machine?

---Paul Dufresne
Received on Tue Nov 18 02:12:40 1997

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