VSTa 1.6 available

From: Andy Valencia <vandys_at_nospam.org>
Date: Wed Oct 08 1997 - 21:42:34 PDT

For those of you plagued with PC's which reliably boot and run their
current operating system, may I introduce version 1.6? :-)

The latest version of VSTa has been dropped in:


for your booting pleasure. Note that this version now boots directly
(rather than via DOS), although it's easy enough to set up a floppy as
the boot loader, if you want to keep stakes low. Thanks to the folks
in Utah for creating the Multiboot concept, and implementing the GRUB

In addition to this change in VSTa's boot, the largest changes are that
a up-to-date gcc 2.X toolchain has replaced the 1.X version of 1.5.2.
A matching gdb has been ported, and seems to work well. A number of
previously ported commands by Dave Hudson finally make their appearance
as well. The arrangement of files in vsta.tz and vsta_src.tz is still
familiar, but the source to other ported commands has been somewhat
rearranged. I also read through some of the doc files, and replaced
some obsolete information.

                                                Andy Valencia
Received on Wed Oct 8 19:19:09 1997

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