What does RUN_TICKS really means?

From: Binh Thai <s2156593_at_nospam.org>
Date: Thu Oct 02 1997 - 17:50:48 PDT

Hi all,
        I have been spending some time looking at the vsta scheduling, and I
have a question. I wonder if someone can help me...

        In the file sched.c, there is a parameter called RUN_TICKS, which is
set to Hz/4. I have found out from another file that Hz = 20. This makes
RUN_TICKS = 5. What does that 5 means? Is it 5ms? 5 clock cycles? or
5Hz = 0.2s?

        Thank you.

        Binh Thai
Received on Thu Oct 2 15:23:08 1997

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