Re: KA9Q executable

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Fri Sep 26 1997 - 11:53:29 PDT

[ (Dr_George_D_Detlefsen) writes:]

>Hello VSTA folks
>Does anyone have an executable file for the KA9Q port to VSTA ???

I can cook one up for you tonight.

>I have finally gotten a NE2000 card and the 'ne2000' driver seems
>to recognize it, but the KA9Q executable seems to be missing from
>the vsta_152 'tz' files.

Yes, because the executable (named "net", I believe) was changing a little
too often. Really, you probably want to cook your own from source, since
you'll probably break it as soon as you apply a little pressure, and then
you'll want to peruse the source to see why. FWIW, debugging KA9Q is a
whole lot more pleasant with gdb, rather than just the "adb" from 1.5.2.

Received on Fri Sep 26 09:26:52 1997

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