Fwd: Re: MP on P5 vs P6

From: Andy Valencia <vandys_at_nospam.org>
Date: Fri Sep 12 1997 - 14:52:32 PDT

The spam filter got in the way of this...


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Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 19:34:36 -0700
From: David Jeske <jeske@home.chat.net>
To: vsta@zendo.com
Subject: SPAMCHECK Re: MP on P5 vs P6
References: <199709101654.JAA14414@Tanya> <199709101744.KAA20509@shellx.best.com>
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In-Reply-To: <199709101744.KAA20509@shellx.best.com>; from Toshi Morita on Wed, Sep 10, 1997 at 10:44:20AM -0700

On Wed, Sep 10, 1997 at 10:44:20AM -0700, Toshi Morita wrote:
> > I think 'disappointing' was the word used when the FreeBSD crowed surveyed
> > P5-SMP performance :) Their caches just aren't big enough I guess.
> I had a dual P120 for a while. It was about 10-15% faster when runnning
> dual CPUS than when running a single CPU. The dual PP180 I have now is
> something like 70% faster when running with both CPUs.

Really? What were you running that was showing this little speedup? Some
friends of mine did some "real world" test on Linux-SMP, like doing
parallel makes of the kernel, and a dual P5 system fared much better than
this. They are getting me the numbers.

- --
David Jeske (N9LCA) + jeske@chat.net

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Received on Fri Sep 12 12:27:07 1997

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