Re: 64 MB memory config under VSTa

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Tue Aug 26 1997 - 07:47:37 PDT

[Juergen Ilse <> writes:]

>I don't know a way to come around this limitation, but can't we use a
>command-line-switch for the start of vsta, which overrides the detected
>amount of memory? This is the way, that is used by linux (commandline
>parameter mem=xxx of the linux kernel).

GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader) seems to do a good job of figuring this out.
It's also a very nice boot mechanism! Barring unforeseen issues, I expect
the next release of VSTa to use GRUB (and Multiboot format) as its boot
mechanism. This also dovetails with the fact that DOS is fading fast, and
while VSTa's boot mechanism works from within Windows 95, it slows down the
VSTa boot time a LOT. Native boot capability is really called for at this

Received on Tue Aug 26 05:22:29 1997

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