Re: v1.5 snapshot

From: Richard Matthias <>
Date: Wed Jan 10 1996 - 03:19:00 PST

> >Are you sure you got your boot.lst right? Running the right disk driver,
> >with the DOS filesystem looking in the right place?
> I must admit I configured it for two drives as I want to set up a
> vstafs partition and swap on the second drive.

Can I just say, wouldn't it be prudent to make a copy of the files that have
to be modified when VSTa is installed, in a safe place _before_ you unzip the
new version? Just copy inittab and boot.lst to the root (or whatever), unzip
the new version and then copy them back to vsta/etc. Obviously too late now,

On another related subject: I can't get the new files from
The ftp daemon disconnects you mono-rapidly as soon as you try to 'get' them.
Is there anywhere else you can put them Andy? I know Rob from Cygnus has
mirror'd the files on in the past (which is good because that
is in turn mirror'd by our local Sunsite), but getting in there from the UK
isn't easy either and our local mirror takes ges to update. I someone from a
US university or netcom could grab them from cisco and put them up for ftp
that'd be really cool! :-)



P.S. Please tell me V1.5 includes cons3!

"Between the hours of twelve and two, those nagging doubts will
come to you, be  paranoid parents cos they're  after your kids,
who don't know what an aryan master-race is..."
----------------------Carter USM - The Only Loony In Town------
  Richard Matthias, or to you! :-)
Received on Wed Jan 10 03:20:38 1996

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