Re: ELF anyone?

From: Ben Black <>
Date: Sun Dec 24 1995 - 14:27:46 PST

On Sun, 24 Dec 1995, Andy Valencia wrote:

> [Ben Black <> writes:]
> >has any thought been given to switching to the ELF format for binaries?
> It's come up once or twice.
> >the significantly improved handling of shared libraries in ELF over a.out
> >is worth the pain of conversion given VSTa's heavy focus on libraries.
> Things seem "good enough" as they stand, and it would burn lots of time to
> just get back to where we started. I've been pretty unenthusiastic about
> the prospect of converting to the executable format du jour. COFF? ECOFF?
i would agree if not for the fact that two of the biggest unix systems
use ELF (Linux and Solaris). i think binary format conversion is
something better done sooner than later. ELF has obvious advantages over
a.out...what does it take to make an a.out shared library under vsta?

Received on Sun Dec 24 14:27:04 1995

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