Re: Priorities?

From: Andy Valencia <>
Date: Sat Dec 02 1995 - 19:26:02 PST

[Datrix Solutions <> writes:]

>What are the priorities of VSTa development right now?

Well, with networking and a /inet stack, my top priority is to get an open
VSTa server on the net. I have the PC, address, Internet feed,
everything... except time. :-(

>Because the list has been so quiet recently, how about a snapshot of the
>current development activities people are involved with?

I've been able to pull in a number of performance and bug fixes, and have
been slowly working through a POSIX signal handling system which was
submitted quite a while ago. Nothing really earth-shaking; my next big task
will probably be to use /inet to provide a general VSTa message tunnel so I
can mount and use services over a LAN. Actually, /inet was probably bigger
than what remains to do this, so it might not be too far off.

Received on Sat Dec 2 19:26:04 1995

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