A couple of "features"

From: Gavin Thomas Nicol <nick_at_nospam.org>
Date: Wed Nov 03 1993 - 15:32:16 PST

First of all, I'd like to thank Andy for posting the explanation of
the namer/mountab/open interaction. Using that as a base, I have found
the following:

1) In mount.c, function mount_init(), the parsing of the
   [fstab|mount.rc] is such that you need *exactly* one space between
   the mount source, and the mount target. ie:
        servers/mouse /dev/mouse
   will mount servers/mouse onto " /dev/mouse", which *will not be

2) When parsing the table, only the first letter is check to see if
   it's upper case. This would mean that:
        Foobar /dev/foobar
   will be mounted as a well-known port, and hence, fail.

Also, I wonder if the mountab shouldn't actually be a mount tree?
Currently we can have things like:


in mountab. While this isn't bad, filesystems are inherently tree
structured, so shouldn't this be reflected in the data structures used
to manipulate them?

Anyway, now I found the reason why I've been having so much trouble
getting my servers "visible", I have managed to get a mouse driver up
and running for my machine. I'll have an IBM version out by Monday.

Received on Wed Nov 3 15:42:01 1993

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