From: Gavin Thomas Nicol <nick_at_nospam.org>
Date: Thu Oct 28 1993 - 19:20:03 PDT

Yesterday I was thinking about a netwrok transparent protocol for
bitblt, and portable data formats for font files, so I set off and
wrote some routines for writing/retrieving data from a buffer in a
portable format, and today, I started to write a compiler so that
given a description of a structure, it would generate a function (or
functions), for reading and writing such structures.

Just, I remembered sun RPC. It includes XDR and rpcgen. I wonder if I
should continue with what I'm doing, or whether I should just pull XDR
and rpcgen out of sun RPC.

Note that in general, I feel that program written using rpcgen are
pretty ugly.
Received on Thu Oct 28 19:27:34 1993

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