Window system

From: Gavin Thomas Nicol <>
Date: Fri Oct 22 1993 - 02:13:07 PDT

After some thought, for better, or for worse, I have decided on the
following points:

1) Messaging will be in scheme, or a lisp dialect. This means messages
   from the application to MADO, and message from MADO to bitblt.

2) MADO will have a built in widget set. They will be compiled into
   the server.

3) MADO must be able to run within itself (ie. it will provide a
   compatible superset of the language to applications).

4) The system should be able to generate user-defined events.

5) Is lisp proves expensive, I might use an assemblerish labguage I
   designed for my son (it's kind of a turtle graphics language),
   or I might remove the general programming language idea entirely.

Currently, I plan to use a hacked version of siod, because it is
small. Unfortunately, the code is a little on the ugly side. If
someone on the list knows of another, small, clean, scheme, I'd be
happy to hear about it (by small, I mean it will take up less than
75k of disc when compiled on a Sun, and < 30K on a VAX/CISC).

To get a scheme working, and setup to run as a messaging server will
take some time (a couple of weeks or so), which will delay the first
pre-release of bitblt, though if someone want to start porting it, most of
the core stuff is now done. Some things, like wide line support, and
ppm support are lacking, but they can be added later.
Received on Fri Oct 22 02:23:24 1993

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