libc performance

From: Gavin Thomas Nicol <>
Date: Thu Oct 07 1993 - 16:20:20 PDT

Well, I got the font loader working last night. The current font
encoding scheme is simlar to X11 BDF (thoug it's easy to add other
font encoding systems). The problem is that this is a *text* file, and
as such, needs to be parsed. The parser is naive in that it uses
straight fgetc()/ungetc() rather than some kind of buffered input

Performance is, to say the least, dismal. Currently, libc stream I/O
uses single character read/writes. This needs to change. If someone is
interested in updating this, please do it ASAP. 10 second font loads
aren't fun....

To anyone interested in doing this, I would strongly recommend looking
at sfio, which is a very powerful stream I/O sub-system.

If no-one is interested in doing this, I will divert some of my time
to the project, but then MADO will be delayed.

Received on Thu Oct 7 16:24:57 1993

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