/@USER@/bin ( was Re: Latest stuff )

From: Gavin Thomas Nicol <nick_at_nospam.org>
Date: Fri Oct 01 1993 - 01:35:24 PDT

> [There is some logic behind separate partitions: /, /var, /usr, /home, ... ]
>What is the logic behind separate disk partitions?
>Would they be needed if unix had a better way to backup subsets of the
>file system and disk quotas that worked?

Well, despite the flawed logic (read kludge), used in traditional Unix
systems to minimise damage when a partition is trashed, people become
accustomed to the layout of the filesystem they use most. If VSTa is
completely different from what the user expects, it will make VSTa
just a little harder to get used to, so I tend to think we should lay
things out in a semi-traditional way (if only in the naming).

Besides all this, I'm not 100% sure that Andy meant that all binaries
would live under /vandys/bin. Andy, would you like to clarify why
you'd like this feature added?

Received on Fri Oct 1 02:34:21 1993

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