Other changes a'coming

From: Andrew Valencia <vandys_at_nospam.org>
Date: Wed Sep 29 1993 - 09:29:42 PDT

I have converted to the use of pdmake. Besides being public domain, it
is small (20K .exe) with ~2K lines for the whole source. The only change
required was to omit I/O redirection from any make commands. I will
distribute pdmake along with the next source drop. I will also be porting
it to VSTa.

The source tree could use some restructuring. I'm something of a minimalist,
so here are the minimal changes I see needed:

Move mach/, kern/, and make/ into their own os/ subdirectory

Move all machine-independent servers (dos, pipe, tmpfs, etc.) into
a srv/ subdir. Move machine-dependent servers (wd, kbd, etc.) into

Create a doc/ subdir. Move all non-legal text files here, and add
some new ones (including, perhaps, copies of the various explanations
I've posted).

Leave include/, lib/, and libc/ where they are. These are all shared
between kernel, servers, and binaries, so their position should be
common to all three.

People perhaps think mach/ should be named i386isa/ or something. I agree,
but there's a method to my madness. I want everything to use mach/, with
the assumption that it will be linked to the right thing for the given
machine. Currently, DOS doesn't have symbolic or environment links. VSTa
can do both (well, it doesn't NOW, but I know how to make it do them).
When we cut to a native build environment, the files will "really" live
in i386isa, and mach/ will probably be an environment link:

ln -s /vsta/os/mach /vsta/os/@MACH@@ARCH@

where MACH and ARCH are "i386" and "isa", respectively, from the
env server.

Received on Wed Sep 29 09:35:04 1993

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