Re: adding support for logical partitions to wd

From: Michael A. Larson <>
Date: Thu Sep 02 1993 - 11:14:38 PDT (Gavin Thomas Nicol) writes:
> I believe that Linux and/or 386BSD support extended partitions. At
> least in the pc9801 version for one of these I've seen the code for
> dealing with them. If you don't find anything else, I'll see if I can
> dig it up.

Thanks. I'll let you know.

In the mean time, I've determined the basic extended/logical partition
structure by dumping sectors on my dos hard disk. Armed with this
information, I was able to make changes to init_part() and iodone() and
get wd to "see" the logical partitions (d:, e:, and f:) on my hard

When I get more definitive information on extended dos partitions, I'll
make any changes necessary and package the code so it can be called
as library routine.

BTW: the reason I started to look into this in the first place is
because I wanted to give vsta a partition of its own (i'm running the
MKS toolkit, and there are some filename conflicts between the two

Anyway, I made the following change to boot.lst:

< ../dos/dos -p disk/wd wd0_dos0 fs/root

> ../dos/dos -p disk/wd wd0_dos3 fs/root
(Note that dos and MKS are on c:, and vsta is on f:).
Is this reasonable? It seems to work.
					Mike Larson
Received on Thu Sep 2 11:20:59 1993

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