C style documentation

From: Andrew Valencia <vandys_at_nospam.org>
Date: Tue Aug 31 1993 - 10:26:05 PDT

I've put two documents on ftp.cisco.com:vandys/vsta:

        ten.doc - Henry Spencer's classic text
        coding.txt - A little amplification by myself

Coding style discussions always end in a lot of angry people. Please
send complaints/comments directly to me. I would really prefer that
our mailing list not be consumed with the inevitable shouting match.
Remember, the rules are per subsystem--I picked some "classic" rules
for the kernel, library, and primary servers. Nick is picking his own
set for the window manager. Networking servers could pick their own as
well. I want uniformity within a subsystem, but I think distinct sets
of code should be able to pick the style which works best for them.

Received on Tue Aug 31 10:28:50 1993

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