How to obtain Spring technical reports

From: Jacob Levy <>
Date: Mon Aug 30 1993 - 10:47:01 PDT

Since there's been some interest in the Spring OS work done at Sun
Microsystems, I thought I'd post how people can obtain copies of the
publicly available papers. Here goes:

  To get hold of hardcopy versions of the Spring technical reports, send
  email with your postal address to "".
  We will happily mail you the complete set, and also add you to our
  mailing list for future reports.

  Reports currently available include:

    "An Implementation of Unix on an Object-oriented Operating System",
        Y. A. Khalidi & M. N. Nelson

    "The Spring Virtual Memory System",
        Y. A. Khalidi & M. N. Nelson

    "The Spring File System",
        M. N. Nelson, Y. A. Khalidi & P. W. Madany

    "Subcontract: A Flexible Base for Distributed Programming",
        G. Hamilton, M. L. Powell, J. G. Mitchell

    "The Spring Nucleus: A Microkernel for Objects",
        G. Hamilton & P. Kougiouris

    "High Performance Dynamic Linking Through Caching",
        M. N. Nelson & G. Hamilton

  There are other reports in preparation on naming, stackable filesystems,
  and caching frameworks.

  Sorry, but at the moment postscript isn't available. (However, we do
  plan in the future to set up anonymous ftp access for the report series.)

Received on Mon Aug 30 10:50:29 1993

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