VSTa shared library sub-list

From: Andrew Valencia <vandys_at_nospam.org>
Date: Sun Aug 29 1993 - 08:14:22 PDT

We're having some very productive discussion on shared libraries, but
I'm concerned that it will overwhelm those who are reading the main
VSTa mailing list just to keep track of developments. Therefore, I
have created a new mailing list, vsta-shlib@amri.cisco.com. Please
direct discussion of shared libraries there; you can continue to use
vsta-request@amri.cisco.com for administrative requests.

Based on my archives, I have initially taken the liberty of putting the
following folks on the list. If you are not on the list, but would like
to be, just send mail to vsta-request@amri.cisco.com. Members:


                                Regards... Andy Valencia
Received on Sun Aug 29 08:14:49 1993

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