list archived and other (newbie) questions

From: Jonathon Tidswell <>
Date: Fri Aug 27 1993 - 23:35:40 PDT

A few introductory questions:

Is there an archive of this list ?

Is there any co-ordination - who is doing what ?

Is there a consensus on priority items ?
 - SCSI / Shared Libs / More HD support / SVGA / Networking / ...

In response to a comment Andy made in the discussion on shared libraries:
I agree, servers should provide mechanism not policy, however
X is an ungainly bloated beast.

VSTa is intended to remain multi-platform.
ISA bus architecture is a dog.
Is there a need for bus/BIOS/IO-port scanning in more than one program ?
  Obviously such a program would have to recognise many PC hardware items,
  however if it left its results in a couple of files /hwconf/* then the
  task of all other low level drivers would be simplified.
  Maybe it should even attempt to map out any unwanted BIOSes (all of them ? :)
  [ Having used their presence to help find HW devices. ]
  Then an Adaptec SCSI driver would merely consult this file looking for
  some key info.
  Benifits - hopefully only one program has to scan the system, which is done
  once ( before or after booting the OS ? ) and other drivers would need less
  PC knowledge in them.
  Problem - obviously one program is expected to KNOW a lot.

PS Now I go home and try and boot vsta ...
Received on Sun Aug 29 22:23:46 1993

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