AHA1542B SCSI support

From: Michael O'Donnell <mod_at_nospam.org>
Date: Fri Aug 27 1993 - 12:40:47 PDT

Poor me - I have been obliged to lurk on this mailing list
in ReadOnly mode, taking solace from my hope that (sniff!)
at least the *rest* of you are having fun. I have only an
AHA1542B SCSI adaptor on my 486 box (no IDE) and I am thus
prevented from running VSTa and joining the rest of you on
that higher plane of consciousness. If anybody manages to
get the necessary code written to allow VSTa to boot and
run from an AHA1542B SCSI adaptor, please be sure to make
a suitable noise on this channel. I will be spastic with
gratitude for your efforts and I hope to immediately grab
the sources and start making my share of trouble. Thanks.

 Michael O'Donnell mod@westford.ccur.com uunet!masscomp!mod
 Concurrent Computer Corporation Westford, MA (508)392-2915

P.S. Even though this posting indicates that I am sleep-
      deprived, I really am.
Received on Fri Aug 27 12:46:56 1993

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