VSTa lockups and Shared Libraries....

From: Gavin Thomas Nicol <nick_at_nospam.org>
Date: Thu Aug 19 1993 - 16:26:25 PDT

>The bug is that the keyboard server doesn't expect to get any of the
>extended keys yet. I've changed the server to just ignore the keys
>instead of abort()'ing. Now the arrow keys are simply ignored. I
>suppose nick@nsis.cl.nec.co.jp will have to tell us eventually how he
>wants to hear about these keys for his windowing system.

I have no problems with the keyboard driver because I'm not using the
one which came with VSTa (I run VSTa on a completely non-IBM
compatible system). I wrote my own :-) Same with the console. Mine
supports kanji, and yes, I can even see it in memacs! The one you all
see is a variation of that.

Anyway, my keyboard driver has an array of 256 function pointers, and
calls a function for each keystroke. This sounds slow, but in
practice, it's pretty fast, and very flexible: my arrow keys, and
function keys emulate the vt100.

Eventually, I'm going to rewrite this driver again such that we can
download "keyboard maps" to it, or to change the mapping to "raw",
vt100, etc. That way, I'll be able to have whatever mapping I need for
the window system. I want to get bitblt done before I start messing
with this though.

I should note that the NEC rs232c port is really flaky, so *my* kernel
debugger plops me onto the *console*. Can't miss it that way!

Shared libraries:
I didn't start this thread, but I mentioned it to Andy a month or two
ago. I read the PRIMOS idea with interest, it sounds good.

I don't really see the need for 2 different systems. I undertand
Andys points about what he wants to see, but I don't know if it's
worth the bother to have 2 different systems, when dll can do just
fine for both. Anyway, as Andy said, "let them who do the work, decide".

Well I have bitblt fairly well skeletonised, and a few sub-systems
done. I still have a lot to do. Does anyone on the list know a fast
algorithm for ellipses/arcs? I have a killer algorithm for circles...
The algorithm should take the following parameters:
   x,y,width,height,start_degree, end_degree.

Received on Thu Aug 19 16:30:28 1993

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