Re: VSTa mailing list

From: Andrew Valencia <>
Date: Mon Aug 16 1993 - 16:38:45 PDT

>1) Did you see/find the mount bug I mentioned?

Nope... sorry. :-( I'm playing with some RCS version management stuff
so I can use symbolic names. I also have some of the buffering code for
my contiguous filesystem. I'll have a look-see tonight, perhaps.

>2) From looking at the sources, it looks like VSTa supports "mount
> overs" like plan9. Is that correct?

Yes, although I didn't provide the full set of before, after, overlay.
You can get overlay by just umount()'ing first. I think my mount() provides
only before semantics.

>3) What kind of "look" would you prefer the window manager to have? If
> you mention an X window manager, I'll know the look.

uwm. :-)

>4) Are you still working on real-time? On a slow machine (like mine!),
> bitblt stalls noticeably during a switch.

Real-time won't soften the blow of having the CPU stolen from you; it merely
provides some guarantees concerning when it will be stolen. If bitblt takes
a LOT of cpu, you probably don't want it to be real-time. Or do I mis-
understand the question?

Received on Mon Aug 16 16:45:40 1993

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